Fantasizing about 2021#Ghosting2020

Find yourself fantasizing about 2021? Impatiently waiting to close out the year 2020??

We all looooooove new beginnings. New beginnings feel exciting and full of possibilities. So we rarely feel into the challenge of managing endings and accepting closure.

Here we are just two weeks away from the end of the infamous 2020.

You may be saying, “FINALLY!” Or maybe you’re wondering “How did we already get here?”

Think about it for a moment: Do you tend to be the ghost that leaves the party unnoticed? Or are you the last person dancing?

You have a choice on how to round out the year. You get to choose what to make out of it. Yes, we can wish the year away for the next 15 days. You can leave the party unnoticed. Or, you can choose to be intentional on how you close out this chapter.

How would you actually like to leave 2020? Running? Regretting? Reflecting?

You have the ability right now to reflect on the growth and transformation, as an individual and as a collective.

COVID changed the way we do work, school, relationships, reshaped the way we experience life.

Maybe you have become accustomed to the changes, or maybe you are still struggling to cope with them. Change is hard, especially one this abrupt and drastic which is why many of us may be rushing to "the finish line". 

The start of the new year seems promising. We crave these new beginnings! And that’s okay. That’s normal. But don’t anticipate the future without acknowledging where you are at right here, right now.

Let’s take the final days of 2020 to reflect. To remember. To be intentional in how we move forward.

In order to attract all the amazing things that are to come, it’s important to make space for closure.

Let’s not skip over or rush through the challenging times we were faced with this year. It’s easy to fantasize about 2021 and perceive it as some marker where everything will change. So, before we get lost in that fantasy, acknowledge what this year provided you.

Pull out your journal, and ask yourself:

  • How did 2020 support my growth?

  • Why did 2020 need to happen?

  • What do I need to do/acknowledge/express before the end of the year?

Reflect on what 2020 was to you. You may be shocked by what you find out. It is going to be quite the story to tell, right?

How you work with endings will undoubtedly enhance your sense of well-being and make you stronger.

And we all need more strength and power as in-between’ers.

Hug hug



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“Self-love is the solution. Be a part of this revolution!”