“Self-love is the solution. Be a part of this revolution!”

Imagine being 6 years old and you had a class where you could learn about self-kindness? In this class you were taught how to self regulate, listen to your body and communicate your feelings to others. 

Think about how different your life would look.

We learn math, science and history, but kindness to ourselves is not something that is deemed important to our growth.

Many of us are so hard on ourselves. We push ourselves to take on more and feel the need to do it right. In the midst of all that, we forget to show ourselves kindness.

Kindness to self is TOUGH. When living everyday experiences of sexism, racism, queerphobia, ableism, and any other ism we are especially hard on ourselves. We internalize messages of oppression that harm our self-worth. We believe that we are not good enough, worthy enough, smart enough. It’s difficult to unlearn those beliefs that are so ingrained in us.

Being kind to ourselves can be daunting. Where to begin? What does it look like?

Kindness happens in the little moments. The first step is always to meet ourselves exactly where we are.

Let me you remind again:

The kindest thing we can do for ourselves is to acknowledge our experience.

How are you going to show yourself kindness today? Realize what you are deserving of. It can be saying no to a commitment you made, a nap in the middle of the day, or maybe acknowledging all the growth you’ve made. Empower yourself for yourself.

Be gentle to yourself. For me, it is playing this video on repeaaaaaaaaaat! 

Let's practice loving kindness. It’s a beautiful step towards finding and empowering our true selves.

Hugging myself, you? 



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