Who am I? I’m Nora.
A proud, queer, cis-woman of color with European-African roots from Denmark and Comoros.
I am a licensed professional counselor (LPC) and somatic psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado. I serve as a mental health therapist for queer, trans, immigrant, people of color, and other marginalized beings.
You can find me virtually on telemental health or as an anti-oppression coach in my program, n’between.
I provide services in:
✓ English
✓ Spanish
✓ French
✓ Danish
As a teacher and therapist, I am committed to empowering people to reclaim their truth in the face of oppression and transform pain into purpose.
Watch my TEDx on Reclaiming our power. Making Ourselves Seen.

Where do I belong?
This question looms over our day-to-day. As marginalized beings, we often code-switch, both consciously and unconsciously, according to the situation we are in and the people we are with.
While it can seem to be effective, it also holds a tremendous sense of pain and grief, as our deepest, most authentic parts get hidden - our true dialect, our style of speaking, and our full movements.
Belonging is where our multiple identities have the space to fully breathe and move in and out of self.
We are…
→ Immigrants
→ People of Color
→ Multicultural
→ Queer
→ People with complexity
→ n’betweeners

“Until I am free to write bilingually and to switch codes without having always to translate…
…While I still have to speak English or Spanish when I would rather speak Spanglish, and as long as I have to accommodate the English speakers rather than having them accommodate me, my tongue will be illegitimate. I will no longer be made to feel ashamed of existing.”
Gloria E. Anzaldúa

Be Seen and Heard
Join n’between—a 6-week hybrid course to transform pain into purpose.
n’between is a gathering, a space of belonging, a classroom, a mirror, and an opportunity to feel seen, heard, and empowered.
Starting October 2023