Here is some comfort food for hard times 🍲

You know that feeling when you get in your comfy PJs and eat that slice of pizza in bed while watching your favorite show?

Isn’t it great? :)

When we struggle, we look for comfort. We might know that exercise or a bath are potentially better choices (and less messy), but, sometimes, it’s just not what we need.

This phenomenon also happens as n’betweeners.

We need n’betweener-comfy-food.

We crave something that will soothe our pain. The pain being a lack of representation, constant microaggressions, feeling invisible, and horrific violence. 

As the days get darker in the northern hemisphere, we naturally look for comfort. The darkness brings on feelings of hibernation.

In the US it’s Thanksgiving today, and there is a lot we can say about this oppressive holiday, but one thing that we can feel grateful for is the food.

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, I thought I’d give a platter to you.

This year I'm spending it in my favorite n'betweener place in the world: Brooklyn, New York.

 Here are my current comfort foods in Bklyn:

  1. Pulling apart that perfect warm crusty sourdough bread at a dinner party.

  2. Savoring my cappuccino at the cutest Danish-like coffee shop, Rita and Maria.

  3. Laughing with strangers on the subway.

  4. Having a spontaneous dance-slumber party with close friends.

  5. Blasting "Ghana" by JJ Paulo on repeat while biking over the Williamsburg bridge. 

  6. Calling my bestie and sharing nyc escapades. 

Ok now your turn. What are your comfy foods? Is it an emotional song? A nostalgic book? Podcast? Tell me… tell meeee pls :) 

There is nothing to be ashamed of. These are your resources. They heal you. Don’t minimize how supportive they are.

When you feel unseen and misunderstood, you can turn to one of these resources.

Sending you a warm comforting hug and endless comfort food. 




It's ok to hurt someone…


Whose permission are you waiting for?