Whose permission are you waiting for?

“Arg I just don’t know... I don't know what I want.”

Does that sound familiar?

You can’t make your mind up about something: “How do I want to respond to this?” “What move do I want to make with my career” or maybe “What do I need right now?”

Here is the thing: You DO know what you want. Your gut is telling you loud and clear, but you’re probably suppressing that intuition.

You’re not giving yourself permission to go for what you want. Why? Cause you’ve learned to feel undeserving of it.

You feel unworthy.

We think “Oh that’s too much” or “Oh that’s too difficult” or “Oh that’s too time-consuming” and we disguise that as uncertainty.

When you give yourself permission, you recognize your worth.

Permission allows the possibility of wonderful things to come your way. You trust that you deserve more abundance.

Without permission, you prevent yourself from leveling up in your life.

There are a million things you know in your bones that you want. It may be a new job, a new relationship, a new lifestyle, a new place to live, or literally anything for yourself.

As n’betweeners, we often push those aspirations aside and look for problems. We dismiss its legitimacy and end up rejecting opportunities instead of receiving them. We move into a scarcity mindset.

So, don’t push those desires away because they seem “unattainable” at the moment. Give yourself permission to go after the things you want.

Your body doesn’t lie, so follow its somatic guidance. Take ownership of your life and go for what you want.

You don’t have to wait for the cards to magically fall in place.

If you want the go-ahead, here it is 👇


You have the power to create your reality.

Future YOU will thank you.



PS. Anyone spending time with family or loved ones right now? Remember to give yourself the permission to deeply listen to yourself, and whatever need you might have.


Here is some comfort food for hard times 🍲


so tell me what you want...