You deserve an abundant life!

Ok be honest!

How are you settling right NOW in your life?

Is it staying in non-meaningful relationships, keeping an exhausting job, or not having enough money?

We sometimes don’t seek out things that will better suit us, and actually upscale our life. 

It even happens with the "small" things.  Like our boss, therapist, doctor, or hairdresser, we settle. 

We say “Eh, it doesn’t matter who, I just need someone.” But these are actually people we get quite close with and we may not always realize the importance of finding someone who can understand us.

Someone who can understand us because they share a similar lived experience. Having someone who has similar values, perhaps looks like us, identifies like us, lives like us is so important to our mental health. To build a sense of self and a sense of community.

We struggle picturing that we can have an abundant life. 

That we deserve to have a workplace and relationships who get us. We only benefit when we are met with individuals who can genuinely relate to our experiences and struggles. And sometimes we do have to put in a little more work to find it. We have to do extra research to find the person/job/opportunity that can relate to our experience, but oh is it worth it.

Don’t settle for someone who doesn’t fully see you. Who doesn’t fully get you. You are worth so much and deserve to be appreciated and understood. Find the doctor that truly gets your body. Find the hair stylist with the textured hair. Find the boss that will stand up for you. 

Find the right people that you invest time and money in because ultimately you are investing in yourself.

You don’t have to settle, although it may be the easier option. Take time to realize you are deserving of someone who will respect you, your identity, your body, your needs. 

Here is to treating ourselves to what we need!

Ready to make your life more abundant?




Here is what actually leads to burnout!
