This could have been ME!

“A personal relationship gone wrong,” they say.

What I see: a swastika tattoo on his White leg.

He and his brother mutilated a body.

Mutilated a Black Body.

Mutilated a Black Danish Body.

They took Phillip Mbuji Johansen’s life.

This could have been me. 

Me: A Danish mom

Him: A Danish dad

Me: A Comorian dad

Him: A Tanzanian mom

[neighboring countries]

Me: Alive

Him: Killed

My heart breaks open. Tears stream as I type these words.

We’ve been talking about institutional racism in the US. Let’s name institutional racism in Denmark.

The Danish police refuse to call this a hate-crime.

They say it has “nothing to do with racism.”

This is the definition of gaslighting.

Gaslighting is saying, “A personal relationship gone wrong.”

Gaslighting is saying, “It’s not about racism”

Gaslighting is refusing to say Phillip’s name.

Gaslighting is not sharing the full story.

Gaslighting is denying our experience as real.

Watch today’s video to learn more about the definition of gaslighting, how to know when it happens, and how we as marginalized folks can learn to protect ourselves from it.

Gaslighting happens with all systems of oppression. Not only racism and sexism.

It impacts ableism, classism, language oppression, nationalism, ageism, cissexism, heterosexism, religious oppression...

Yes, ALL of them.

Gaslighting is a traumatic experience.

It has a severe impact on our mental health.

We lose our sense of self. We stop trusting ourselves.

Gaslighting promotes fear, depression, and low self-esteem.

It not only happens on an interpersonal level, but also on an institutional level.

When institutions deny oppression, it costs lives.

We need to demand justice. We need to make stories known.

Use your innate power to keep sharing the injustices that continue to happen. 

Speak up about the experiences of gaslighting.

Make it known.

Let it be seen.

Deep breath. 

Acknowledge the resilience we have within us.

Sending you lots of strength,



Wanting to hide?


This made me want to puke