Having to pick and choose?

We’re forced to live in a binary world.

We’re either good or bad.

Right or wrong.

Beautiful or ugly.

Gay or straight.

Woman or man.

Black or White.

Binaries limit us. They tame us.

When we try to live outside the binary, we risk rejection.

We feel isolated. We get the experience of NOT belonging.

The need to belong is stronger than the need to be ourselves.

We mold and change ourselves in order to belong.

As women, we participate in patriarchy.

As immigrants, we code-switch.

As people of color, we whitewash ourselves.

But what about the space in between?

The space in between is where freedom lives.

That’s where the richness is.

I am about to go on a plane. Full COVID gear with my double face mask and face shield. As I feel the anxiety in me, I also feel the excitement. What I love about planes is literally the opportunity to travel between worlds. 

As I imagine crossing the Atlantic Ocean tomorrow, I feel myself relax. Something about the perspective of space. Something about seeing our Mother Earth from above. I feel myself more fully.

When do you get to rest in the space between?

In today’s episode, I’ll talk about the ways our social identities can live in between oppression and privilege. I’ll also talk about how we can take our oppressed identities on vacation!

Yes, you heard me! Oppression Vacation! Wanna know how? Check out the video:

So what oppressed identity has you tired right now?

How can you take a break from your oppressed identities?

See you in Denmark!

Hug Hug



What mask do you wear?


Wanting to hide?