Feeling socially awkward from COVID?

Let’s be real, we’ve all become a bit socially awkward amidst the pandemic.

How do you start a conversation at a dinner party? What do you say? What do you wear? Do you look into each other's eyes? No more jogging pants with a nice top? 

Meeting people you’ve only met through Zoom for the first time? Didn’t expect that coworker to be that tall/short.

Do we hug? Do we shake hands? How does one interact after months of social isolation?!! 

As the world starts opening up, as we begin to come together again, let's normalize AWKWARDNESS.

Even the word awkward makes me cringe inside. Those awkward moments stick with us looong after they’ve occurred, but we tend to overthink our own behavior. We analyze our own behavior much more than anyone else does. 

This feeling of awkwardness and discomfort is not isolated to just you. After a year of being cooped up, I think we can collectively agree that going back out can be scary. Putting ourselves out there after months of staying in is not an easy feat. 

Don’t worry, I’m on the same page. 

Let’s be easy on ourselves. 

Normalize the awkwardness. Name it! Let that it be a source of connection.

Embrace your version of awkwardness! Let it be fun. It is going to take a little while to get back in the swing of things and that’s okay.

Remember that there is so much to look forward to and so much joy to come. You might even learn something new about yourself along the way. 

Awkward side-hug


PS. Feel like you have become hypervigilant to your social behavior? Check out this article.


Let’s queer all year, and keep coming out!


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