When you get rid of a part of yourself..😮‍💨

Feeling split?

Split n’between religions? Cultures? Languages? Genders? Races?

We tend to should ourselves as n’betweeners:

  • “I should be more connected to my indigenous roots”

  • “I should be more androgynous as a non-binary person”

  • “I should speak less Spanglish”

  • “I should present less femme as a queer person”

It’s like one part of us cannot coexist with the other. A societal conflict placed upon us.

That in order to belong in one group, we need to get rid of other parts of ourselves.

So we split into dismembered parts.

This deeply HURTS 💔

👉 Maybe you deny your Whiteness over your POC identity.

👉 Maybe you reject your bisexuality.

👉 Maybe you minimize your love for multiple faiths.

👉 Maybe you favoritize one culture over another.

So what to do - you ask?

Start being curious about the parts you reject. The ones the feel in conflict.

You don’t need to get rid of one part of yourself to love your full self. â™Ą

Here is one way you know if you’re not allowing all of your parts:

You judge or reject other n’betweeners. You make other people slightly wrong, bad, or maybe even stupid.

You project your disowned parts onto them. This is a human response. Yet this only feeds the shame.

When you allow the multiplicity of all of you, you allow more congruence in yourself and deepen your connection to others.

It’s freeing.

What conflicting identities are you experience right now as an n’betweener?

Much care,



I wish I had her life 😔


Don’t give up on your community 💔