Pursue Purposelessness
Tell me this...
Ever desperately wait for a clear sign, like the book to fall off the shelf? Obsess about finding a meaning about that thing that happened? Or excessively plan your life and career goals?
Living on purpose is important.
That said, sometimes we get so caught up in that sentiment that we lose sight of the present moment. We hyperfocus on the big picture and don't see what’s in front of us.
It’s like trying to take the “perfect” picture of a sunset to post on IG, to then realize you missed seeing it.
I’m here to tell you that within your purposeful life, you can experience pure moments of purposelessness.
Living in a capitalistic society, you’re taught to place your value on your work. On what and how much you produce.
We’re constantly looking for ways to work harder and be perceived as “successful”. We then struggle seeing our inherent worth when we remove our ability to be productive. We don’t take time for ourselves and when we finally do we feel guilty. A vicious cycle.
Sounds familiar?
This past week, I’ve had the flu and I’ve had a tough time staying present with my sickness. When I was younger, sick days used to be fun (haaard but FUN). I loved the doing-nothing-days. I’d stay home, watch TV, sleep, sing, read, and get bored. And to top it off, my mom would take care of me. As I feel into kid-Nora, I wonder: When did I lose the joy in those sick days?
Doing NOTHING is a mindfulness practice.
To just stare at the wall, sing for no reason, and get bored till you feet are asleep.
Your life experiences don’t have to be tied to productivity or purpose. This is a capitalistic trap. You get to just BE.
So, I hope you find time to do nothing. To be purposeless.
And I hope that in those moments, you feel into how valuable you are.