Magic happened as I crossed the border

Did you know that each day consists of 6,400,099,980 moments? 

These moments are opportunities. They can be life-changing, and even healing.

I had one of these healing moments as I crossed the border from the US to Canada this weekend. 

I anxiously sat in the passenger seat as I stared out the window at the red and white STOP sign. I held my breath and waited to see if we would be let in. 

The GPS on my phone illuminated “32 miles to Vancouver.”

After millions of questions, the officer finally said, “enjoy your stay in Canada!”. 

And I’m not kidding, in that moment MAGIC happened ✨

Instantly, the next sign I saw transformed. “Exit” was now “Exit | Sortie.” BOTH words on the single sign. I smiled. I didn’t have to choose between French and English, I could be both.

I then looked down at my phone and now the distance to our destination had transformed into a language I understand: “52 kilometers to Vancouver.” I smiled again. 

When I looked up at the grey rainy sky, hundreds of birds were flocking in a V-shape. They were moving south to escape the cold and embrace the warmth.

Right there, in that car, I felt a moment of belonging. It was a moment where I didn’t have to code-switch. I didn’t have to shift my behavior to fit the environment. The environment shifted to accommodate me. I felt held. 

So why am I telling you this?

Because every single one of us deserves to feel these magic-moments. You deserve to be met and seen. It is possible for us n’betweeners to experience that smile, that exhale, that feeling of being held.

The space n’between is where we get to breathe.  

That said, it is not a fantasy land. It’s not utopia.

The space n’between is one single moment out of millions. It’s a moment we get to feel, rest and nest.

The space n’between is that moment you don’t have to explain yourself about anything.

For me, it was when I didn’t have to choose between French or English, but instead both co-existed.

Or the moment the birds reminded me that I don’t belong to either the Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere. Rather, as an African-European immigrant I get to travel and belong to both.

In all of these moments, I belonged. 

I exhaled, I smiled, I laughed. 

But belonging is not a forever-experience. It’s a somatic moment, it’s a felt sensation. 

We get caught up in the fantasy that we will always belong. 

We chase an idea, feeling or place where we believe we will always be seen. We do this in our relationships, our jobs, really anything.

Truly, the forever-belonging-fantasy-land doesn’t exist. 

The magic of the space n’between is that it’s ONE moment.  These moments deserve to be cherished.

✍️ Write your moments and hit reply to this email and let me know what came up for you! 

Give yourself permission to breathe, feel and rest. 

Nest in the space n’between.

With so much love 💗



"You can be both" he said


Stop waiting for permission! Give yourself the green light