Happy Emotional 2020!

Yesterday was my birthday.

Birthdays can be filled with the belief that it’s a joyful day and you will receive abundant amounts of love. This sets up unrealistic expectations on what the day should look like. And if those expectations are not met, feelings of disappointment or pain kick in.

A dear teacher beautifully calls birthdays følelsesdag which means emotional day in Danish. (The word "birth" and "emotion" in Danish sound similar).

This reframe invites emotions to be welcomed. To be fully here in all its facets.

As we end the emotional 2020, how might you hold unkind expectations towards yourself for this coming year?

Unrealistic and unkind expectations. They set us up for disappointment while shadowing all the great things that exist.

A new year calls for new attitudes, new energy, and of course that list of resolutions. You might vow to eat better, to exercise more, start that hobby, to spend more time focusing on mental health. All great things with the best of intentions, but often these resolutions are unrealistic, and can be unkind.

That is not to say they are impossible. You absolutely deserve to manifest what you set your mind to, but with that being said, it’s important to be patient with yourself.

Change takes time. Growth takes time.

If you want to be prosperous, it is important to accept that it takes time. You are not going to lose 20 pounds in one week or find your dream job overnight. 

There is a natural process and time in reaching our goals and THAT IS OKAY.

Often, we make these resolutions with the expectation that we have to accomplish them in a set amount of time. So, we start strong but if we don’t see those resolutions come to fruition in a matter of months or even weeks, we start to let go. We let go and we beat ourselves up for it.

As you reflect and write down your aspirations for the new year, don’t be shy. Your aspirations can be as big or as small as you wish, and be gentle with yourself.

  • How might you invite the emotions to be here as things get challenging?

  • What kind action do you need to set in place to support you reach this goal?

I can’t wait to see all that you’ll do this year.

Wishing you a følelses-filled-2021

Kram fra København



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