This person surprisingly came to visit me

These days I see a total of two beings: my spouse and my cat.

Yet this other person has been visiting me A LOT this past week...

She likes to hide. Tends to cry. And she desperately asks for cake at about 9PM every night.

I am talking about my 10-year-old self.

Yes, when under stress, we all regress.

We revert to an earlier age, a younger state of mind. It’s a natural, self-protecting mechanism. 

Nowadays we tend to regress even more.

All of our unresolved trauma gets stirred up in this global collective trauma. 

So we fall back into old patterns. It’s inherently wise; our system is trying to support us.

We look for comfort.

Right now we might feel surprised about our behaviors, or even at times not recognize our loved ones. 

Regression shows up as: mood swings, sudden crying spells, yelling, or saying a harsh comment. 

In today’s video I talk about the ways we can comfort ourselves, and the importance of appreciating the small things.

Want some extra comfort and support during these times?

Download this FREE Ultimate Guide to support you through COVID19. You'll get my 5 mental health gems I can't live without.

We know that structure helps minimize experiences of regression. It invites a sense of normalcy, which is comforting to our inner young self. If you want tips on how to create this, check out my previous video.

After you watch, I’d love to know what insight you’re taking away. Did you feel inspired to integrate daily gratitude practice? Leave a comment on my YouTube Channel and let me know.

Don’t forget all of what you are experiencing makes sense. ALL of it. 

Deep breaths and remember to stay with-IN.

With SO much gratitude,



Moved to tears!


Pressured or stuck?