You holding 2023 grudges? 😒

Is something nagging you about 2023?

Something that didn’t go as you would have liked or hoped? Something you didn’t achieve?

I’m inviting you to do this one thing with me.

Let it go.

See if you can take a breath and let it go. As if you were holding a feather in your hand and you just let it go.

Believe that there is something about this thing that didn’t happen that actually is supporting you right now.

Here is how to enter the new year with zero regrets:

Ask yourself one of the following questions:

  • Why did this need to happen the way it did?

  • How did this allow me to grow?

  • What is this forcing me to learn?

There can be so much pressure on the new year, even if you don’t necessarily buy into the new year resolutions. There can be an expectation of growth and change to look in a particular way.

In reality we don’t know anything.

You don’t know how the "bad" or "annoying" thing might actually serve you. You want to *believe* that you know best, but in think about the millions of times that something that didn't seem to serve you actually shifted with time.

You don’t know what is to come. 

What if you lived a life with no regrets? Even the things that have hurt you and the people you love the most have something to offer. In these spaces of pain or disappointment, we grow exponentially.

It might sounds cliché, but I promise, everything is working out for you.

It's your responsibility to look and find the blessing and learnings in the process. It will liberate you, I promise.

I'm wishing you a beautiful end of this year, and heartwarming 2024.

I’ll see you on the other side ðŸ’—

Bonne année de Paris,



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