Normalcy is an oppressive concept.


What a loaded word, huh? 

We are filled with ideas of what is normal and what is not.

We believe that normal equals good and anything that strays from that is bad.

Normalcy is an oppressive concept.

It’s ableist, racist, sexist, all of it.

The language of normal has been built upon oppressive beliefs that we are engrained to believe are neutral and benign. We’ve become conditioned to believe that skinny means beautiful. Masculine is successful. And normal is White.

But what does normal even mean?

Normal isn’t based on truth. It’s based on claims that certain traits are better than others. As marginalized folks, we are left to defend ourselves against beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that tell us that we are wrong. 

Our very existence threatens others’ ideas of normalcy.

So we censor ourselves. We internalize the belief that we are wrong. We judge our thoughts and feelings. And this takes an extreme toll on our health. When we believe that we have to succumb to society’s idea of “normal”, we begin to experience anxiety, depression, and an overall lack of confidence.

Normal does not equal good. In fact, a lot of times, normal equals boring. Unextraordinary. Status quo.

So you gotta dig deep and find the beauty in who you are.

There are so many intricacies that bring value to your existence. You are a puzzle made up of unique pieces that make you you.

What is the richness in what makes you subjectively “different”?

Love yourself for what sets you apart.

You don’t have to constantly judge yourself for the way you exist or the way you react or “overeact” just because it doesn’t align with others.

There is richness in who you truly are. Richness in your quirkiness. Richness in your uniqueness. So embody it! Be proud of your grey hair, your peculiar mind, your brown skin, your language-confusion. 

Don’t let anyone define your value, because what is normal anyway?
Thank you for being you.


PS. Join me on this episode of the QBT Podcast and learn how to reclaim your richness.


Happy Everyday Black History!


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