Good, Bad, Who knows? 🤷‍♀️

I’m in a pickle these days. I’m in a situation that I don’t like. Let’s be real, it feels like a nightmare.

I think of my mom, and what she would say to me. She’d tell me the story of the farmer and his horse.

This parable always grounds me. It helps me to surrender ✨

You may know it. If not, I highly recommend looking it up.

It puts perspective to the idea that we never really know what is ‘good’ and what is ‘bad.’

It’s quite humbling to experience how little we know, and how things that we can perceive as nightmares can turn into dreams, and vice versa.

I find it amusing to see how I can perceive that I know what is best for me, saying things like “It shouldn’t be this way,” or “it’s just not fair.”

And then POOF dear Universe pushes back, and shows me something greater.

Think about a time in your life where you thought something was a disaster. Maybe you were fired from a job, maybe you lost a relationship, maybe you lost a ton of money. And then something happened, and you found yourself seeing this as a blessing.

For example, I know 2020 was hard, and I also know that it taught you something profound about yourself.

Struggle always comes with some sort of benefit.

What we once believed to be an obstacle is now a stepping stone that leads us towards a greater path. And I know, it’s hard to realize that in the moment.

But we have to remind ourselves the ‘easy’ path is not always the ‘better’ path.

Maybe instead we can look for the most fulfilling path, that might have more roadblocks, but it is so much more meaningful.

This is important to understand as n’betweeners as we continue to experience the challenges of living at the intersections of privilege and oppression.

Realize that your struggle has purpose. Your pain has intent. Make the most of your situation and be grateful for what you do have.

Let’s turn those burdens into blessings.

Much gratitude for reading this, 💕



Drop smelling of patriarchy.


When we make dysregulation bad