Be held in the unknown

“But what if this happens..?” your mind whispers. 

You may already have had this thought today. The fear of uncertainty.

The unknown is a wild, scary place. 😨 

We face uncertainty every day. Yet most of us have very little tolerance and ability to be with this uncertainty.

The unknown feels life-threatening and creates deep-seated dysregulation in the body. We obsess about made-up scenarios, get super-anxious, squirm, and maybe even feel paralyzed. 

Our protective brain despises the unknown and tries to mitigate it at all costs.

But here is the issue:

The perception of threat degrades our ability to deeply listen to ourselves and what matters to us.  

We get STUCK and let go of our dreams from fear of worst-case situations.

So what happens when you face a change in your life? How do you deal with this?

You may be in some sort of n’between. A life transition. An uncertain place. Maybe you can relate to one of these👇

  • You’re struggling with an identity

  • You’re looking for a new job

  • You want to move

  • You’re unsure what you want to do next.

You want a change in your life, but you’re scared of taking the leap cause of the fear of the unknown.

Sometimes we spend more time resisting change, even good change, because we get so scared. We like things to stay the same, even if it’s an illusion.

Change is a psychological roller-coaster experience. Change is difficult; it’s unpredictable.

And when we resist change in life, we stop growing.

We stop appreciating the amazing things that change gifts us. ❤️ 

Are you ready to take your life to the next level?

I’ve got a special space that will hold your fears for you and transform them into fuel. 

A space where you get to exhale deeply. Where you get to feel empowered and supported as you navigate the transition. A place to belong. A place where you can stay near the dysregulation.

An n’between space for n’betweeners navigating n’betweens. Sounds corny, but it’s true. 🙈

There is nothing more meaningful than being deeply held.




This is where your worlds meet 🌍


Would YOU do it? 😮