Are you giving away your power?

So I am sitting on my balcony, enjoying watching the sunset after a day with clients. I just had dinner. My belly is full.

A recurrent thought pops: “I have to do the dishes. Arg. I have to clean up the kitchen.”

My body immediately gets tired. I sink into the chair.

I take a breath and realize: I choose to do the dishes. I want to have a clean kitchen. It makes me feel better. My breath lightens immediately. 

I jump out of my chair. Kitcheeeen I am coming for you!

Each of us makes choices every single day. Some small, some big.

We choose brushing our teeth or not. Making our bed or not. Giving ourselves care or not.

YESnot choosing is a choice.

And we also choose how we want to perceive everyday situations.

During this pandemic, many of us have felt deprived from choice.

Being restricted from going outside. Not being able to see friends and family. Being told to wear masks. 

We can quickly get accustomed to the idea that others make all the choices for us.

While it is true that there are legal directives in place, we still have choice on how we respond to them. 

As marginalized folks, we often underestimate our power to choose. So much is being taken or erased from us, that we underestimate our ability to make change.

In reality, when we forget our ability to choose, we give away our most essential power.

I am now choosing to stay at home. To not go to the office. Legally, I could go. And I have decided that working from home is the most congruent choice for me at this time.

Choosing does not mean pleasant. I miss my office space, and I miss in-person contact. And as soon as I make a choice, something in my body can settle.

When we choose, we liberate ourselves. We reconnect to our own innate power, our inborn agency as human beings.

Watch this video to learn more about the power of choosing.

So let us not forget what we CAN do during this time. 

Ready to exercise the power of choice?

Here is a fun challenge! Turn “I HAVE to” into “I CHOOSE to”.

For ONE day, note how many times you say: “I have to”. Catch yourself, and shift it to: “ I choose to”. 

Play with this. Have fun with it. Notice how your body immediately shifts. Let yourself feel good about the ways you empower yourself.

Need a reminder about how to feel into your choice-power?

Here are three questions to keep in mind as you go about your day:

  1. Where do I have a choice right now?

  2. How can I choose to be kind to myself today?

  3. Does this choice align with my values?

You knoooooow what’s right for you.  Listen to yourself. Trust.

Sending you so much clarity and encouragement.



STOP asking this question!


Moved to tears!