Hi! I’m Nora!
I’m an n’betweener.
→ TEDx Speaker
→ Social Justice Somatic Psychotherapist & Coach
→ Unshakable Anti-oppression Educator
→ Creator of n’between
I offer anti-oppression education and coaching to transform Internalized Oppression into worthiness and purpose.
If you’re queer, person of color, immigrant, or marginalized being looking to step into your power, I’m here to provide you resources that allow you to find your empowered authentic self.

Your power
lives in the space n’between.
You’re not alone.
You’re n’between.
An n’betweener is someone who navigates multiple complex identities.
We often live at the edge between privilege and oppression. We feel too much, never good enough, and struggle believing in ourselves.
◯ You’re not just one gender.
◯ You’re not just one culture.
◯ You’re not just one race or ethnicity.
◯ You don’t speak just one language.
◯ You don’t subscribe to just one faith.
You don’t belong here nor there.
If you’ve experienced conflicting experiences, you are most likely an n’betweener. There is power in embracing all parts of you.
Here is the problem:
You stop being your full self
We hide who we are because we believe we don’t belong. We feel as if no one truly understands us. We give up our authenticity to blend in.
You’re tired of feeling alone, conforming, feeling frustrated and powerless.
I am an n’betweener. I am mixed race. I am an immigrant. I am queer. I am a cis-woman. I know what it’s like to feel split between worlds. To feel fractured, splintered and lost within my identity.
Find yourself in the space n’between.

Free Class
Learn the #1 Mental Health Threat
for Marginalized Beings.
- The Secret to Heal Internalized Oppression -
An At-Your-Own-Pace Online Video Training
Read the latest on the blog
If you’re wondering…
What is anti-oppression?
How does internalized oppression show up in my life?
Read my weekly blogs on transforming oppression into power.